Announcement of 2024 CSME TECHNICAL AWARDS
The CSME is pleased to announce the winning recipients of its 2025 technical awards bestowed to members of the society for their outstanding contributions to mechanical engineering in Canada.
Click to download: News Communique re 2025 Technical CSME Awards (NEW)
NB: Award winners for previous years are listed on this page: click.
List of Regular CSME Awards
- The Robert W. Angus Medal was established in 1957 to honour the late Robert W. Angus who was for many years Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto. It may be awarded annually to a mechanical engineer for outstanding contributions to mechanical engineering practice in Canada, including industrial innovation, technology commercialization and creativity. (revised 2020)
- The G.H. Duggan Medal was established in 1935 to honour Dr. George Herrick Duggan who was president of the EIC in 1916. It may be awarded annually to a CSME member for the best paper in the Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering dealing with the use of advanced materials for structural or mechanical purposes. (revised 2020)
- The C.N. Downing Award was established in 1993 in honour of the Founding President of the CSME, Clifford N. Downing. It may be awarded annually to a CSME member for distinguished service to CSME over many years. (revised 2020)
- The I.W. Smith Award was established in 1977 to honour Professor I. W. Smith who devoted a lifetime to teaching mechanical engineering at the University of Toronto. It may be awarded annually to a CSME member for outstanding achievement in creative mechanical engineering within 10 years of PhD degree. This 10-year eligibility window may be adjusted to account for eligible delays in research or periods of inactivity (for example, due to parental leave, bereavement, or illness). (revised 2020)
- The CSME Industrial Innovation Award was established in December 2024. It may be presented annually to recognize outstanding contributions to innovations in industry within the discipline of mechanical engineering in Canada. This award celebrates individuals or teams working in the industrial sector who have demonstrated exceptional creativity, impact, and leadership in advancing mechanical engineering through innovative practices, products, or technologies. Recipients are honored for their significant achievements in industrial applications, which may span several years, highlighting the crucial role of industry professionals in driving technological advancements. (revised 2024)
- The title, Fellow of the CSME, may be awarded to CSME members who have attained excellence in mechanical engineering and who have contributed significantly to the progress of their profession. Nominees must have at least 10 years of professional experience and at least 5 years in uninterrupted standing as a member of the CSME, 3 years of which with active service to the CSME society. (revised 2020)
- A President's Certificate of Appreciation may be awarded to up to 10 CSME members each year in recognition of outstanding service to the Society in a particular capacity.
List of Technical CSME Awards
- The Jules Stachiewicz Medal was established in 1978 to honour the late Jules Stachiewicz who was for many years Professor of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University. It may be awarded alternately by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (CSCE) and CSME for outstanding contributions to heat transfer in Canada. This award may be presented next by CSME in 2025.
- The Mechatronics Award was established in 2019. It may be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to mechatronics in Canada. This award may be presented next by CSME in 2025.
- The Emerging Technologies Award was established in 2019. It may be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to emerging technologies in Canada. This award may be presented next by CSME in 2025.
- The Fluid Mechanics Award was established in 2019. It may be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to fluid mechanics in Canada. This award will be presented next by CSME in 2026.
- The Solid Mechanics Award was established in 2019. It may be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to solid mechanics in Canada. This award will be presented next by CSME in 2026.
- The Manufacturing Award was established in 2019. It may be awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to manufacturing in Canada. This award will be presented next by CSME in 2026.
CALL FOR 2025 CSME REGULAR AWARD NOMINATIONS - **Deadline is 31 January 2025**
Nominations are currently solicited for the next series of regular awards and honours of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME). These aim to recognize deserving mechanical engineering professionals.
Final decisions regarding award winners are made by CSME’s Awards Committee, which is comprised of the President, Immediate Past President and Senior Vice President of the CSME. The most senior member of the Awards Committee in terms of service on that Committee will normally serve as its Chair.
No one can nominate themselves for an CSME award/honour – they must be nominated by peers. Except for the Industrial Innovation Award, all nominations of CSME members must be made by CSME Fellows. CSME members are eligible to be nominated for all awards, but no award winner is eligible to be nominated for the same award a second time. At all times, the name of nominees and nomination cases must be kept confidential and never be shared with other nominees or the public.
If a member of the Awards Committee is nominated for an award, that member is automatically removed from the Committee for that award’s consideration and must refrain from all related considerations/decision making for the award in question. In this case, a suitable arm’s length replacement Awards Committee member will be appointed by the remaining Awards Committee members. This complies with the society’s Conflict of Interest Code that applies to the Board and all of its various committees.
Forms and Deadlines for Submission:
Technical CSME awards to be awarded in Spring 2025 (i.e. Emerging Technologies, Jules Stachiewicz (heat transfer) and Mechatronics medals):
30 September 2024--> Campaign is **CLOSED**
- Regular CSME awards to be awarded in Spring 2025: 31 January 2025 --> Campaign is **OPEN**
2025 CSME Industrial Innovation Award - Nomination Form (click here to download)
All Other 2025 CSME Regular Awards - Nomination Form (click here to download)
Nomination Process for CSME Industrial Innovation Award **NEW**
- Submission: All application materials must be submitted electronically to the CSME Awards Committee by the specified deadline.
- Nomination Form: Complete the official CSME Industrial Innovation Award Nomination Form, to be found below. The form requires detailed information about the nominee(s), including contact details, professional background, and a summary of their contributions to industrial innovation in mechanical engineering. The form must be signed and submitted by the nominator.
- Nominators and Nominees: Unlike other CSME awards, this new award places no restriction on nominators and nominees as far as current CSME membership is concerned. Nominees may be a single individual or a team of individuals.
- Nomination Letter: Submit a nomination letter (maximum 2 pages, font size 12) highlighting the achievements of the nominee(s) and their significance to the field of mechanical engineering. The letter should emphasize the impact of the nominee(s)’ innovations on industry practices, products, or technologies in Canada.
- Resume/CV: Provide an up-to-date resume or CV for each nominee, detailing their professional experience, accomplishments, publications, patents, and any other relevant information that supports their nomination for the award.
- Citation: Provide a 130 to 150-word draft citation identifying the nominee(s) current affiliations and summarising the reason(s) why their achievements are considered exceptionally worthy of the CSME Industrial Innovation Award recognition.
Nomination Process for all other CSME Regular Awards
Criteria and Nomination Procedure (click here to download)
To be considered valid, a nomination package for a CSME Award must be submitted by, or on behalf of, a current CSME Fellow (the “Nominator”) via email no later than midnight on the deadline date specified for consideration in time for the next awards ceremony. Please email the nomination package (see list below) in MS Word format 12 font to the CSME Executive Director (currently A complete award nomination package must include the following documents:
- A letter from the Nominator on institutional letterhead (max. 2 pages, 12 font) which provides a detailed appraisal of the nominee's achievements and explains why he/she is deserving of the award. The nomination letter should clearly state what the candidate has accomplished that is relevant and innovative with respect to the scope of the award, and its impact. The letter should only be as technical as is necessary to make the case and should avoid jargon, unexplained acronyms, etc. Specific indications of national and international impact, recognition, and reputation as appropriate for each award will be helpful. The letter must also clearly indicate the nominator's relationship, if any, to the nominee, the nature of his/her personal knowledge of the nominee's research, and any collaboration that they may have had.
- A duly completed and signed nomination form downloadable from CSME's site. The form shall contain the full name, occupation, title, affiliation, CSME membership number, and full address and contact information (including telephone and email) for both the Nominee and the Nominator.
- Two letters of support for the nomination on institutional letterhead from individuals who are in the relevant technical field and who are at arm’s length from the nominator. Each letter must state any relationship the Supporter may have with the nominee and the nominator, as well as verify that he/she has personal knowledge of the nominee's research, has read the nomination letter and agrees completely with its contents.
- The Nominee’s CV (max. 10 pages in 12 font) which has been abbreviated to address those aspects relevant to the CSME Award being considered and stripped of all content that does not pertain to that award (for example, teaching and administrative contributions in the case of Technical Awards).
- A short citation (130 to 150 words) which includes the Nominee’s full name, institution, and discipline. Written for non-specialists, it should briefly summarize the technical achievements and impacts which have made the Nominee worthy of the specific CSME recognition.
Additional Information Concerning CSME Technical Medals/Awards
Since 2019, the Technical Medals are to be awarded (potentially) once every two years: nominations for Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics and Manufacturing medal awards were considered for the first time in October 2019 (for potential award in 2020, but no award was made that year). The medals for Heat Transfer (Stachiewicz Medal), Mechatronics and Emerging Technologies were first awarded in 2021. The full cycle of considering nominations for the 6 Technical Awards repeats every 2 years (3 medals per year) and winners are expected to present a plenary lecture during the Congress being held th.
As regards the decision-making process, the CSME Awards Committee will form the base selection committee for consideration of CSME Technical Awards so that there is uniformity of standards between the various technical fields in which awards are made. However, for each Technical Award consideration, the selection committee may be augmented by two CSME members in that technical field, such that each Technical Awards Selection Committee will have a minimum of two experts in the field of the award and an odd number of total jurors. The appropriate Technical Committee Chair will be asked for recommendations for these additional jurors, which may include that Chair. The additional juror appointments will be made by the Chair of the Awards Committee.
- All persons on the selection committee must be at arm’s length to the nominees being considered and must declare any conflict of interest, real or perceived.
- If more than a single nominee is considered worthy of the award being considered, the selection shall be by majority vote of all eligible committee members. No award should be made without such a majority vote. If only a single nominee is considered worthy of the award, then the decision to make the award must be unanimous.