
CSME 2024 Annual General Members Meeting

The 2024 Annual General Members Meeting of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering will be held as follows:

Date:            28 May 2024
Time:            1:30 PM – 2 PM EDT
Location:     Room MC 331, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, and via ZOOM

Attendance: CSME professional members in good standing may register to attend the AGM in person or virtually by emailing a request to Guy Gosselin, Exec Dir - no later than 13 May 2024 (note that pre-registration is required).

Proxy voting: CSME members in good standing may elect to have a proxyholder attend, act and vote on their behalf at the 2024 AGM mtg by completing and emailing this proxy form (click to download) to Guy Gosselin, Exec Dir - no later than 30 April 2024 (registration for proxy voting is now closed).

The 2024 AGM mtg agenda package (click to download) contains the following reports to be approved by general members: (i) Audited 2023 financial statements, (ii) 2024 Report of the CSME Nominating Committee, as well as the minutes of the last AGM.

CSME 2023 AGM Minutes / Elected Slate of Officers

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering was held in Sherbrooke on 30 May 2023. The Minutes may be downloaded (click here to download). Elections were held at the AGM and the approved slate of officers and directors are presented in the Nominating Committee report (click to download).

CSME 2022 AGM Minutes / Elected Slate of Officers

The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering was held in Edmonton on 7 June 2022. The Minutes may be downloaded (click here to download). Elections were held at the AGM and the approved slate of officers and directors are presented in the Nominating Committee report (click to download).

CSME 2021 AGM Minutes / Elected Slate of Officers

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering was held virtually on 25 May 2021. The Minutes may be downloaded (click here to download). Elections were held at the AGM and the approved slate of officers and directors are presented in the Nominating Committee report (click to download).

CSME Bylaws

A by-law relating generally to the conduct of the affairs of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) was offcially adopted by general Members in 2013 in conformance with the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act S.C. 2009, c.23  (NFP Act). Board-approved amendments were ratified by General Members in 2017, 2020 and 2022. The currently active set of bylaws can be downloaded (click to download).

CSME Policy on Engagement with Public Officials

It is always wonderful when members take initiatives on behalf of CSME with regards to the organization of events such as conferences or webinars. It is one of the main reasons for, and benefit of, belonging to a collaborative society, and such efforts should be encouraged. Given CSME’s national status, it is important that these initiatives are compatible with the expressed purposes and best interests of the CSME, and that any opinions expressed are reasonably shared by the collective. Also, one must bear in mind that the official spokesperson for the CSME Board of Directors is its Chair, i.e., the CSME President. However, the authority to speak on behalf of the Board or the Society about a specific issue or topic may be delegated by the President to a member chosen for their knowledge or expertise of said issue/topic.

Inviting Elected Officials to attend CSME events is always appropriate. If the organisers’ intent is to invite one or more Elected Officials to address the audience, however, they should first ascertain that CSME Executives know about the details of the initiative and approve it.

Issuance of CSME position statements, invitations of Elected Officials, submissions of proposals (solicited or unsolicited), etc. should always be in written form and issued under the signature of the President or designate, after having been approved by the Executive Committee as appropriate in the circumstances. No member should represent himself/herself as speaking on behalf of the CSME unless specifically authorized in writing to do so.

Members organising a CSME event are free to invite Elected Officials to attend the event. No approval is necessary as long as there is no intent to engage the officials in a public debate or invite them to present their views/opinions in front of an audience.

Members interested in inviting an elected official to speak at a CSME event must first submit a proposal for consideration/approval of Executive Committee. Such proposal may be addressed to the CSME Executive Director and describe:

  • the particulars of the event, including target date, venue/mode and intended audience
  • the motivation (goal) for inviting specific elected official(s)
  • the suggested invitation protocole (invitations should always come under the President’s signature, or under co-signature with the event organiser)
  • measures to be taken to ensure suitable attendance

CSME Directive Regarding Collaboration Proposals

Members interested in submitting a proposal to another organization (public or private) on behalf of the CSME, must first secure the approval of the Board or its Executive Committee. Draft collaboration proposals may be addressed to the CSME Executive Director.