CSME Chapter Grant Applications
Is your Chapter interested in organising a networking, professional or technical development activity? Are you planning an ice-breaker, a seminar, a talk or a local tour? The CSME may be able to help you breakeven on your event!
The CSME supports events that are organized by CSME chapters. Technical or professional development activities such as seminars, talks and tours may be supported through a CSME grant, including support tools. Each chapter may apply for reimbursement of up to $500 worth of events-related expenses that are not otherwise paid/funded by other means/sources. This could include a licence for an online meeting tool that costs up to $200/yr.
To apply for a chapter grant, please fill out a grant application form and email it to:
- Dan Romanyk (dromanyk@ualberta.ca), Chair of Student Affairs Cttee (in the case of Student Chapters), or
- Faizul Mohee (fmm_p@yahoo.com), Chair of Professional Affairs Cttee (in the case of other chapters).
NOTE: You will need to submit a chapter event summary report within 15 days of completion of the event in order to receive the provisionally-approved grant, including the event budget and 2-3 pictures. Please download the event summary report form and send the completed form with relevant documentation/receipts to the respective Cttee Chair (see above). Don't forget to include 2-3 photographs of the event (1 MB size each) for possible publication in the CSME Bulletin or web site.
Chapter Grant Forms: