Membership Categories and Fee Structure

Below is an overview of the annual fees for different CSME membership categories. All memberships follow the calendar year and must be renewed before 31 January. If you are joining as a new member on or after 1 November, your membership will be valid until 31 December of the following calendar year.

IMPORTANT NOTE (updated Jan 2025): The CSME has launched a new membership system (with a payment facility hosted by Yapla).

To apply as a new member, just click on one of the "Apply" buttons in the boxes below. Note that membership is not limited to mechanical engineers. Technologists and other professionals and scientists working in the broad field of mechanical engineering or in collaboration with mechanical engineers are always welcome to apply.

If you wish to renew your current CSME membership, please visit your profile on Yapla.

Student Members (SCSME) - Free!
Students who are currently enrolled in a technical diploma, bachelor's program or graduate program in mechanical engineering (full-time or part-time) are eligible for a free student membership.  Apply Now!

Postdoctoral fellows: Please note that postdocs are considered funded empolyment by the Canada Revenue Agency. As such, the CSME requires postdoctoral fellows to register as professional CSME members (MCSME) instead of student member category (SCSME). See below.

Professional Members (MCSME) - First Year $85
Members who qualify for regular professional memberships are eligible for a discounted fee of $85 in their first year of membership. A regular member must hold a recognised university degree in a field related to mechanical engineering. Apply Now!

Professional Members (MCSME) - Regular $140
A regular member must hold a recognised university degree in a field related to mechanical engineering.

Retired Members (RSCME) - $45
Members who provide evidence of retirement from active employment are eligible for a discounted fee. Please contact Mohammud Emamally, CSME Admin Officer at or 1-613-400-1786.

Technology Membership (TCSME) - First Year $85
Members who qualify for technology memberships are eligible for a discounted fee in their first year of membership. A technology member is a graduate of a Mechanical Engineering Technology Program or equivalent. Apply Now!

Technology Membership (TCSME) - Regular $110
A technology member is a graduate of a Mechanical Engineering Technology Program or equivalent.

Second Society Members (MCSME) - $75
Members who are full paid members of another EIC Constituent Society are eligible for second society membership in the CSME at a discounted rate. You will be required to provide proof of payment in your main technical society. Apply Now!

Fellow Members (FCSME) - $175
The grade of CSME Fellow recognizes exceptional distinction in the profession. Self-application for this grade is not possible. It is an award/honour conferred by the CSME Awards committee based on a peer nomination process (see Call for CSME Awards). A Fellow possesses an exceptional record of professional accomplishments related to mechanical engineering.

CSME's Return and Refund Policy

The CSME membership fee is non-refundable except for cases where a multiple payment occurred by error. In case of a multiple payment, please contact us for a refund with your credentials and full details of the payments made. All other queries about memberships and payments should also be directed to the CSME Office:

The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
P.O. Box 40140
Ottawa On
K1V 0W8 Canada
Att'n: Mohammud Emamally
Tel: (613) 400-1786

Want to help the Society develop new programs, activities and recruit new members?
Please consider making a donation to the CSME.

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